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winter university!

For the upcoming Winter University -VII- held by AEGEE-Kayseri..
We are waiting for you..
What are you waiting for?
AEGEE-Kayseri Proudly Presents
Kayseri , 11-17 February 2008
On the first day you will be welcomed at Erciyes University and take a Kayseri tour and our wellcome party will be held at Hilton. On the 2nd day we will have a panel with trainer from Beşiktaş Footbal Team, Ertuğrul SAĞLAM, Turkish Famous Ballet Tan Sağtürk and Board President of DEULCOM International, Baybars Altuntaş.We will stay at the great mountain Erciyes between 13-16 February in a 4 star hotel. We will ski there for 3 days at Mt. Erciyes.On the 6 th day of the event we will move to Cappadocia and stay there for 2 amazing days. Do you know anything about Cappadocia? It has a story like that ; " Where lies a legend...In the past, fairies and people used to live together happily.. Then one day a fairy and a man fell in love and of course the people became angry and said that; this relationship was impossible. As this matter continued to persist, the people got very angry and started to point their weapons and chase the fairies. The fairies hid in the natural rock cliffs.. As the people started to fire their weapons the fairies turned as pigeons and then they flew away, since the that day it is known that all the pigeons are fairies.."
Number of Participants - 30
Fee € 80
What the fee included:
Ø Accommodation (4 and 5 star hotel)
Ø Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Ø Ski equipment (except for clothes) &ski-snowboard lessons,all the Transportations
Ø Swimming Pool
Ø Turkish Hamam
Ø Open Air Party with hot wine..
Ø Night Skiing
Ø Full Animation

Not included:
Ø Health Insurance
Apply now..: http://www.karl.aegee.org/calendar.nsf/EventuallyEdi/CEA2B5C4A597BD44C12573A70004E210?OpenDocument
Application deadline 31th January 2007
Contact Us..!e-mail: winteruniversity7@gmail.com gulsahuzunoglu@gmail.com

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